Rating evaluation service
Rating Evaluation Service (RES) is a point-in-time credit opinion allowing an entity to request an assessment of the potential credit rating implications of pre-defined hypothetical strategic or financial scenarios.
RES is available to both unrated and rated entities, while the number of customer-delivered hypothetical scenarios that can be analysed is limited to three. Examples of situations in which the RES may be useful for an entity are for instance, mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, share buybacks, strategic partnerships, divestitures, and/or significant changes to company or capital structure.
The outcome of the evaluation is a confidential indicative credit rating. The RES does not constitute a consulting or advisory service but is valuable for companies to gain a clear insight into their proposed strategic initiatives before they are implemented.
Private credit analysis
A private credit analysis (PCA) is a credit assessment accompanied by a report presenting a rationale for the credit assessment. A PCA is a point-in-time analysis but can be updated upon request. The report is confidential, but you may opt to share it with a limited group of third parties through a secure environment. Typical use cases for a PCA is getting more insight into the credit risk of a large client, a tenant or a financial counterpart.
Credit assessments
A credit assessment is an indicator of NCR's view of the credit quality for an issuer or an issue. It is a confidential analysis that reflects our general views of credit risk but does not take all factors into account which are analysed for a credit rating. A credit assessment is a point-in-time analysis and is not monitored. Further, it does not include any interaction with management. For these reasons, a credit assessment is not a substitute for a credit rating. It is confidential and expressed on NCR's rating scale but using lower-case letters (e.g. ‘bbb+').
A credit assessment can be requested by an unrated issuer or a third party and can be updated at request (e.g. quarterly or annually).
Data licensing
NCR can provide users of credit ratings a daily data feed with the latest updated rating data. This data can be used internally for regulatory purposes and redistributed within the group. Bloomberg, Refinitiv or our own SFTP are the officially granted sources for redistribution of our ratings data.
For more information on other products or fee structure please contact sales@nordiccreditrating.com.