On 24 Sep 2024, Nordic Credit Rating publishes a sector commentary on the real estate sector. In connection with this publication, the analytical team will present their view of the sector and its outlook.
Nordic Credit Rating invites you to join our webinar focusing on our view of the Q2 2024 results and the outlook for the Nordic niche banks. We will cover banks' earnings, asset quality and capital, as well as recent events and trends for the sector.
In addition, we'll discuss the recent announcements that Norway-based Lea Bank will move operations to Sweden as well as Morrow Bank's similar interest. We will also address Marginalen Bank's capital situation and the announcement that its owner company is working on refinancing capital instruments.
Sparbanken Lidköping is a mid-sized Swedish savings bank, operating out of its main office in Lidköping Municipality in Västra Götaland County, with close connections to the Skaraborg region. The bank was established in 1834 and is wholly owned by Sparbankstiftelsen Lidköping, a foundation that receives dividends from the bank.
Nordic Credit Rating invites you to our upcoming webinar focusing on our view of the Q1 2024 results for the Nordic niche banks. We will cover development in earnings, loss performance and capital, as well as loan and funding growth. Additional focus areas include the sluggish non-performing loan market, and the heightened regulatory pressure in Sweden.
Den 23 april kl 13.00 bjuder Nordic Credit Rating (NCR) in till ett webbinarium om utsikterna för de svenska sparbankerna. Vi kommer presentera vår syn på utvecklingen under 2023 med grund i bankernas årsredovisningar, samt diskutera våra förväntningar för framtiden.
Nordic Credit Rating invites you to our upcoming webinar focusing on our expectations for Nordic niche banks following their end-year results. Join us for a discussion of capital and earnings performance, rising credit risks and how hiccups in the non-performing debt market could affect niche banks' performance in 2024.
The presentation will be held by NCR analysts Sean Cotten and Ylva Forsberg with an opportunity for Q&A.