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Sector comment2022-06-27

Overview of environmental reporting among NCR-rated real-estate companies

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Nordic Credit Rating (NCR) rates a wide selection of Swedish and, increasingly, Norwegian property managers. As part of our analysis, we consider companies' awareness of and efforts on environmental issues, both in terms of whether they are appropriately managing risks and opportunities, and whether they are leading or lagging behind in the eyes of stakeholders.

"While the direct financial impact of environmental reporting is currently limited, we believe the increasing attention on these issues implies a risk of falling behind in this area," said NCR credit analyst Ylva Forsberg. "We're seeing growing interest in issuing green bonds, and believe this will increasingly improve financing ability and reduce financing costs for those issuers taking the opportunity."

Ylva Forsberg, analyst, +46768806742,
Marcus Gustavsson, analyst, +46700442775,